Wednesday, October 24, 2007


High school is the biggest thing to most teenagers. During this porstion of life, some teens start thinking about their future. Less then half of the all teens in America are attending or applyig for college. That's because some teens don't care about their future and they start to drop out of high school. But that's not going to me because I'm going to graduate in the year 2011, because of my determination, the support of my family and my personality.

One reason why I'm going to graduate in 2011 is my personality. The reason that I say my personality is that it determines the outcome of how I do my work. I'm always outgoing because I always like to try new things like join afterschool programs. Also the way I act in my classes and how I behave helps as well. This gives me a chance to finish my work.

Another reason that I'm going to graduate is my determination. I'm always determined to do my best. This mean that I'm always on point on what needs to be done. Also it means that all of my assignments, reports and projects are done and terned in on time. Even if I finish everything that I need to do, there's always something to study for. So that's another reason why I'm going to graduate in 2011.

My final reason why I'm going to graduate is that I have the support of my family. My family are a big part of why I'm going to graduate. They're always there for me when I need help in anything. They give me advice in school, life and anything that I don't understand. Thats my final reason why my family is important in my graduation.

In conclusion I'm Going to become a graduate in the year 2011 because of these three reasons. Determination, outgoing and the support of my family all play apart of how I'm going to graduate in the class of 2011. As the school year continues those three things will still help me to strive and do my best. When that day finally comes and it's time to graduate I would say to myself that I made it and that I'm ready to take on any obsticle in life, but for those who think that school is a waste of time think about the opertunities that you're missing if youdon't graduate.

To Mr. Romero, I want you to grade on my voice and my sentence stucture. The reason why I chose this essay is because I think that people should read why it is important to graduate and get a education.

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